Tom Waits, <Allen>, 20.05.2000 07:26
Tom Waits, <Dima>, 22.05.2000 09:58
Subject Tom Waits
Created20.05.2000 07:26

Hello, Wow! You are an amazing group of people...You
listen to Tom Waits songs in Russia? I know his music
from living in California for 20 years...his songs are
among my favorites of all time (I am a poet and
teacher, I am into the power and beauty of his lyrics).

I use "San Diego Serenade" in writing classes as an
example of a great contemporary love song.

I am fortunate to have seen Tom Waits perform live in
a small Denver music club, perhaps 25 years ago...he
was fantastic--I will never forget that evening.

I am curious if anyone from your group knows which
album/song has his 'weather forecast in his brain'
lyrics, something like: "there's a high pressure
system moving fast, storm clouds building, heavy fog,
the outlook is gray..."

I would be happy to hear from you...

I would be happy to hear from Tom Waits fans in Russia!

I am encouraged that such a group exists and supports
this forum...

Thank you very much ("Pasiba" ? )


(now living in New York City)
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