For miss_emelmahaaeey, <Eric>, 20.12.2004 15:36
cheers eric, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 20.12.2004 22:40
Subject cheers eric
Created20.12.2004 22:40

Thanks Eric, for your message. I always enjoy reading
the posts on this forum, some are very entertaining.
Unfortunately, I'm not online all the time, so lots of
the time I respond to things way after the event. Like
now, for example. I'm just so last year...
The nickname is stupid, I admit. It's the
unpronounceable name of the brain in The Man With Two
Brains (you probably knew that already). It also has
my own name - Emma - hidden amongst it. I found it
funny at the time but am now tempted to transform my
virtual personality, like Belzebuth/Johnny, because
it's a bit annoying to type. 'pawnshopmarimba' is one
that appeals to me very much, even though it's a thing
and not a person, it has a good ring to it and I love
that line. Would also be annoying to type however.
Will stay miss_emelmahaaeey in the meantime and think
about it.
bye for now,
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