for Harry & everybody else of course, <marco>, 22.12.2004 17:40
for Harry & everybody else of course, <Raindog Harry>, 22.12.2004 18:41
for Harry & everybody else of course, <Alli>, 22.12.2004 19:45
for Harry & everybody else of course, <marco>, 22.12.2004 20:48
for Harry & everybody else of course, <Raindog Harry>, 22.12.2004 23:48
for Harry & everybody else of course, <marco>, 23.12.2004 00:11
for Harry & everybody else of course, <Raindog Harry>, 23.12.2004 00:50
for Harry & everybody else of course, <marco>, 23.12.2004 01:14
for Harry & everybody else of course, <marco>, 23.12.2004 01:29
Subject for Harry & everybody else of course
Created23.12.2004 01:14

Well that's not true, I liked your analyses. Had a
laugh and went to work. That's the way things go.
Had that with other forums (fora?) Things go up in
the air. Some people get touched, others don't get
it. Well that's life I guess.
And Jim didn't die that night. That would have been
something. I would have been there when:
Jim kicked the bucket, Jim shuffled off 'is mortal
coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin'
choir invisibile!! (Monty Pyton)
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