Sorry..., <Eric>, 23.12.2004 13:01
Sorry..., <marco>, 23.12.2004 13:49
Sorry..., <Raindog Harry>, 23.12.2004 14:05
I am sorry too Eric.., <Alli>, 23.12.2004 15:08
I am sorry too Eric.., <Mary>, 23.12.2004 16:04
I'm sorry three Eric, <Raindog Harry>, 23.12.2004 18:40
I'm sorry for Eric, <Alli>, 23.12.2004 19:01
(F)ive every sympathy for Eric :), <Mary>, 23.12.2004 19:46
haha nice one Mary.., <Alli>, 23.12.2004 20:00
I love you six, <Eric>, 23.12.2004 20:48
Eric - we're in seventh heaven now:), <Mary>, 23.12.2004 21:35
Eric - we're in seventh heaven now:), <marco>, 23.12.2004 22:17
Oi 'ate Eric, <Raindog Harry>, 24.12.2004 00:07
Oi 'ate Eric hahahaha, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 00:51
Eric - we're in seventh heaven now:), <Raindog Harry>, 24.12.2004 00:09
We'll (w)eight for you Eric.., <Alli>, 24.12.2004 00:06
Nein!! mach ich nicht, <Raindog Harry>, 24.12.2004 00:11
Any one for ten-nis?, <marco>, 24.12.2004 00:23
2 eleven quotes, <marco>, 24.12.2004 00:40
'e-leaven us - but he'll be back :), <Mary>, 24.12.2004 00:49
Mary that was another good one from you!, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 00:52
And another eleven (elefen, elephan, elephant, elephants), <Raindog Harry>, 24.12.2004 12:03
12, <Raindog Harry>, 24.12.2004 12:04
Zo kunnen wij multi tong zijn, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 00:41
Zo kunnen wij multi tong zijn, <marco>, 24.12.2004 00:47
Zo kunnen wij multi tong zijn, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 00:49
See Alli, <Mary>, 24.12.2004 00:51
hahahahaha, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 00:54
Bankhead I should say, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 00:56
Dozenyone know when he'll be back?, <Mary>, 24.12.2004 00:58
Boom Boom !, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 01:01
Your turn Alli :), <Mary>, 24.12.2004 01:03
See Alli, <marco>, 24.12.2004 00:56
Oh I'd never pay dahling.., <Alli>, 24.12.2004 00:58
Oh I'd never pay dahling.., <marco>, 24.12.2004 01:00
Oh I'd never pay dahling.., <Alli>, 24.12.2004 01:02
Oh I'd never pay dahling.., <Mary>, 24.12.2004 01:05
Oh I'd never pay dahling.., <marco>, 24.12.2004 01:08
Oh I'd never pay dahling.., <marco>, 24.12.2004 01:09
Marco, <Mary>, 24.12.2004 01:11
Thirteenth Floor Elevators, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 01:13
Mutley, <marco>, 24.12.2004 01:15
Wogan, <Alli>, 24.12.2004 01:21
Wogan, <marco>, 24.12.2004 01:25
Got to leave........, <Mary>, 24.12.2004 01:30
Got to leave........, <Raindog Harry>, 24.12.2004 12:10
Subject Any one for ten-nis?
Created24.12.2004 00:23

Twice upon a time in the valley of the tears
An auctioneer is bidding for a box of fading years
And the elephants are dancing on the graves of
squealing mice.
Anyone for tennis, wouldn’t that be nice?

And the ice creams are all melting on the streets of
bloody beer
While the beggars stain the pavements with
flourescent christmas cheer
And the bentley-driving guru is putting up his price.
Anyone for tennis, wouldn’t that be nice?

And the prophets in the boutiques give out messages
of hope
With jingle bells and fairy tales and blind colliding
And you can tell they’re all the same underneath the
pretty lies.
Anyone for tennis, wouldn’t that be nice?

The yellow buddhist monk
is burning brightly at the zoo
You can bring a bowl of rice
and then a glass of water too
And fate is setting up the chessboard while death
rolls out the dice.
Anyone for tennis, wouldn’t that be nice?
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