Green Grass, <Mister Henry>, 02.01.2005 19:18
Green Grass, <marco>, 03.01.2005 01:02
Green Grass, <Mister Henry>, 03.01.2005 02:31
Green Grass, <marco>, 03.01.2005 15:30
Subject Green Grass
SenderMister Henry
Created03.01.2005 02:31

Yeah I dig that but I wasn't talking about the writing
credits... if you get the song, the sentiment and the
imagery is all about Tom, as we know him, looking back
from The Whatever-Comes-After to his ole lady...

Check: "think of me as a train goes by", "clear the
thistles and brambles", "didnt he ramble" and "the
weather vane will say/ it smells like rain today"

Its a beautiful good-bye, I say...
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