London video back, <marco>, 03.01.2005 15:33
London video back, <marco>, 03.01.2005 15:35
London video back, <johannes>, 03.01.2005 17:13
London video back, <marco>, 03.01.2005 17:35
For Marco, <Eric>, 03.01.2005 17:52
For Marco, <marco>, 03.01.2005 18:17
For Marco, <Eric>, 03.01.2005 18:26
For Marco, <Raindog Harry>, 03.01.2005 18:58
For Harry & Marco, <Eric>, 03.01.2005 19:08
Subject London video back
Created03.01.2005 17:13

thanks for this.
I do not know exactly, how it works, but on easytree
you need a certain share-ratio (0.25) to be able to
but not in the first time, maybe for a certain time or
volume you transfer, you don't need the ratio.
i registered shortly before the restore date, and at
the 30. nov had a share ratio of 0.24(!!!).
thats the rating I am stuck at right now.
after a while I close the windows, burn it onto cd and
delete it from my harddrive.
so I had nothing to share and was not able to download.

but because of the crash also many new registered ones
were deleted(like my cousin), I could set up a new
acount (member limit was exceedede some weeks ago),
that was my luck.

don't know, why I told you this, don't want to blame
easytree, because the site is great, but the crash was
a major shit.

can't wait to see the london gig, but I think, it will
take several days, till I got it complete.

hurry up, machine !
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