What are you all doing?, <Alli>, 13.01.2005 19:11
What are you all doing?, <Eric>, 13.01.2005 19:29
What are you all doing?, <Tristan>, 13.01.2005 20:25
Tristan, <Alli>, 13.01.2005 21:43
Bored?? :), <Tristan>, 13.01.2005 23:12
Bitter?, <Alli>, 13.01.2005 21:42
Bitter?, <ginsoakedboy>, 13.01.2005 22:18
Did you get the dvds?, <Alli>, 14.01.2005 21:22
Did you get the dvds?, <ginsoakedboy>, 15.01.2005 00:01
No I haven't...., <Alli>, 15.01.2005 00:18
No I haven't...., <ginsoakedboy>, 15.01.2005 02:18
No I haven't...., <Alli>, 15.01.2005 03:17
HAIR - I meant HAIR (mn), <Alli>, 15.01.2005 03:19
ok there was a message, <Alli>, 15.01.2005 03:36
Subject Did you get the dvds?
Created15.01.2005 00:01

Alli - Thanks for asking. I surely did. Not only did I
get the DVDs but I did indeed burn the London Show. I
had a sneak preview to see if it worked and it does.

Mrs Ginsoaked is just putting the Ginsoakedjuniors to
bed and I will have a look at it soon. I am now
sitting like a little boy who doesn't want to open his
bar of chocolate in case he eats it all up and it's
gone. I'm like the young child with an Easter Egg on
the shelf knowing that after all the waitin I can just
open it whenever I like. I'm like the cat who has got
the cream. I feel like I've got the style , but not the
grace. And to be honest I feel like I shouldn't have
had that last glass of wine.
Have you watched it? I can't remember if you have it.
If not - say the word and it shall be thine (Subject to
terms and conditions. Ginsoaked Ltd are not responsible
for losses incurred by external carriers. No liability
accepted for time lost in Waitstock. Your home may be
at risk if you do not keep up payments secured upon it)
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