"jack, zack, my friends!" down by low, <liat>, 25.01.2005 22:51
So nice to read Liat!, <Alli>, 25.01.2005 23:38
So nice to read Liat! for Alli, <liat>, 26.01.2005 04:33
WEATHER REPORT for liat., <Alli>, 26.01.2005 14:40
WEATHER REPORT for liat., <liat>, 27.01.2005 01:05
"jack, zack, my friends!" down by low, <marco>, 25.01.2005 23:49
FOR MARCO, <liat>, 26.01.2005 04:42
For Liat, <marco>, 26.01.2005 11:06
"jack, zack, my friends!" down by low, <Raindog Harry>, 26.01.2005 00:27
Great to see you back Liat :), <Mary>, 26.01.2005 00:50
Great to see you back Liat :) - for mary, <liat>, 26.01.2005 04:59
RH, <liat>, 26.01.2005 04:53
RH, <Raindog Harry>, 26.01.2005 16:52
"jack, zack, my friends!" down by low, <ginsoakedboy>, 26.01.2005 01:36
to ginsoakedboy, <liat>, 26.01.2005 05:09
"jack, zack, my friends!" down by low, <Bob>, 26.01.2005 17:30
"jack, zack, my friends!" down by low / to Liat, <Bob>, 26.01.2005 17:31
Subject "jack, zack, my friends!" down by low
SenderRaindog Harry
Created26.01.2005 00:27

Liat, Liat, what a surprise, I have been occupied
with things to grand to share in a forum, and it has
been difficult to join in again sometimes, but I do
now, and guess what? You are back, at least for now.
Good to hear from you, I would really love to be at
your birthday, it doesn't look at all like I will be
able to go there, I would be crazy (or young? or
enthusiastic) enough to do it, but I will certainly
be there in this old raindog's head ;-)

Good to read from you,
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