(The ) Man Overboard!, <ginsoakedboy>, 27.01.2005 20:34
(The ) Man Overboard!, <liat>, 27.01.2005 20:43
(The ) Man Overboard!, <marco>, 27.01.2005 20:50
(The ) Man Overboard!, <liat>, 27.01.2005 20:57
(The ) Man Overboard!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.01.2005 00:01
(The ) Man Overboard!, <Kevy>, 28.01.2005 16:20
(The ) Man Overboard!, <raymy>, 28.01.2005 17:31
(The ) Man Overboard!, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.01.2005 00:44
(The ) Man Overboard!, <Alli>, 28.01.2005 16:49
Subject (The ) Man Overboard!
Created28.01.2005 16:49

..NEWS FLASH.. a lone woman has been found floating
adrift in the seas a few miles east of an Island where
it is thought she had survived for at least a month
alone. It seems she had fashioned a canoe out of an
old tree trunk and set sail after having been driven
mad listening to her Desert Island Disks selection and
nothing else for the duration of her stay. All that
was found on the island was a makeshift flagpole with
underwear hoisted to the top .. authorities are not
certain if this was some bid by the woman to claim
ownership of the island or a desperate attempt to
attract attention from passing ships. The as yet
un-named woman was delirious from the heat and an
apparent lack of water.. it seems she had chosen to
throw her water supply overboard upon realising the
canoe was taking in seawater. In this potentially life
threatening situation she chose instead to hold on to
her relatively small, yet meaningful, collection of Tom
Waits cds. Mr Waits was unavailable for comment at
time of going to press.
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