Fish & Bird, <Alli>, 29.01.2005 22:31
Fish & Bird, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 30.01.2005 17:37
Sugarman for Emma, <Alli>, 30.01.2005 19:04
Sugarman for Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 01.02.2005 01:16
Subject Sugarman for Alli
Created01.02.2005 01:16

Glad you liked it. It's actually the only song of his I have: John my
husband discovered it a few years back on a David Holmes album
(though the version I sent you isn't quite the same one). We only
just got broadband in this Christmas and I've been too skint to
invest in much new music recently (and unhappily!), so haven't
been able to follow it up, which is a bit rubbish since it's one of
my favourite songs ever. Hope the hangover went quickly and that
it was worth it anyway :-)
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