Can't wait to stay at work, <Eric>, 17.02.2005 21:01
Can't wait to stay at work, <marco>, 17.02.2005 22:32
4000????, <Alli>, 17.02.2005 23:10
5 euros a bottle??!, <Alli>, 17.02.2005 23:14
5 euros a bottle??!, <marco>, 18.02.2005 02:08
downloading.., <Alli>, 18.02.2005 19:48
downloading.., <Eric>, 18.02.2005 19:55
downloading.., <Alli>, 18.02.2005 19:57
downloading.., <Eric>, 18.02.2005 20:02
Eric you've got mail...., <Alli>, 18.02.2005 20:03
Subject downloading..
Created18.02.2005 19:48

Well I was having a (vaguely smoke enhanced)
conversation with a friend of mine about illegal
downloading. We ended up deciding that the music
business will come full circle and musicians will go
back to making money by performing live.. like they did
for years before you could buy music like we can today.
Then Tom Waits will have to do LOTS of gigs and not
disappoint as many people as on the last tour. Well,
then the conversation moved on to things like winning
the lottery and hiring TW to come and do a show that we
could all get to - somewhere quite intimate.. ? Then
the evening ended in rapturous giggles about 'bad
hairdo's of obscure sixties bands'. :)) Just another
night in the life of me.. ;)
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