DVD from concerts, <Tore>, 18.02.2005 22:35
DVD from concerts, <marco>, 19.02.2005 13:34
DVD from concerts, <Tore>, 19.02.2005 18:02
Subject DVD from concerts
Created19.02.2005 13:34

I have told this before on this forum, but there were
at least 2 professional videocameras (I saw 2)
attached to the balcony in Carre the 21st. I sat 2
meters from one. Little red light was on and once in
a while a guy came to check it.
Don't know if they controlled it remote, don't think
so because it stayed focused and I never saw anything
moving or zooming. I guess its purpose: just a
registration for Tom and not to be released. Of
course there are bootlegs. London, Amsterdam and
Berlin. I never saw the Berlin one, the London one is
rather bad, the Carre one good, all relatively
speaking of course (bootlegswise)
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