big mistake, <liat>, 08.03.2005 12:17
tom talking about "blue valentine", <liat>, 08.03.2005 12:21
making movies for the ears, <liat>, 08.03.2005 12:34
making movies for the ears, <marco>, 08.03.2005 16:31
Subject making movies for the ears
Created08.03.2005 12:34

"And the siren’s just an epilog, the cops here always
get there too late
They always stop for coffee on their way to the scene
of the crime
They always try so hard to look just like movie stars
But they couldn’t catch a cold
Baby, don’t waste your dime
‘She’s lucky to be alive’, the doctor whispered to
the nurse
‘She only lost half a pint of blood, twenty-nine
dollars and an alligator purse’"

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