To Marco, <Raindog Harry>, 18.03.2005 21:23
To Harry, <marco>, 18.03.2005 23:10
To Harry, <Raindog Harry>, 19.03.2005 10:26
Subject To Harry
Created18.03.2005 23:10

Not quite it's a sneaky bastard and flatened 3 of us,
only Samuel my 5 year old seems uneffected and
continues to be the little piece of dynamite as he
always is. He skips from being Zorro to a Ninja in 10
seconds and dresses up in the same speed. Cape, 3
swords, bow and arrows, mask, helmet, and down the
stairs again. Then he kills all his enemies in the
living room gets back up and asks for a candy because
he protected the family! How can you resist?
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