Interesting new music..., <Tristan>, 21.03.2005 00:00
Interesting new music..., <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 23.03.2005 13:39
Newish Music, <Alli>, 23.03.2005 16:41
Newish Music, <Eric>, 23.03.2005 17:05
Anthony & The Johnsons, <Alli>, 23.03.2005 18:33
Anthony & Rufus, <Alli>, 23.03.2005 18:37
Anthony & The Johnsons, <Eric>, 23.03.2005 20:44
Newish Music, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 23.03.2005 18:34
Newish Music, <Alli>, 23.03.2005 18:38
Newish Music, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 23.03.2005 18:40
Subject Newish Music
Created23.03.2005 18:34

Cheers guys!
Again, will need to get hubby to investigate due to lack of sound
on this machine. I saw Ray Lamontagne on Jools Holland's show
and he has an incredible voice - can't believe he's only twenty(!),
but then I guess TW sounded 'mature' from early on. In the same
vein, I'm really into a song just now from the not-long-past-
puberty-but-seeming-older Kings of Leon - the song is 'Milk' and
I think it's fantastic. Again belies the age thing. I don't have their
new album but am tempted to get it on the strength of that one
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