Alli and all - happy days, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 25.03.2005 00:21
Congratulations dr e. !!!, <Eric>, 25.03.2005 11:35
Congratulations dr e. !!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 25.03.2005 14:40
Congratulations dr e. !!!, <Alli>, 25.03.2005 14:50
Congratulations dr e. !!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 25.03.2005 14:54
Congratulations dr e. !!!, <marco>, 25.03.2005 18:40
Work? what's that??!, <Alli>, 25.03.2005 14:54
Work? what's that??!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 25.03.2005 16:11
Subject Work? what's that??!
Created25.03.2005 16:11

Wow - the art teaching sounds fab! I did art classes to kids at a
summer playscheme once and it was great, the kids are so funny.
The funniest - and cheekiest - are the 8-9 year old boys.
Comedy. I remember showing them how to make masks and one
of them - the ringleader - was breathing on the window and
writing 'this is pish' in the steamy bit with his finger. You gotta
laugh. Well, good luck with it all - am sure you'll be a fab and fun
teacher and all the kids will be looking forward to their art classes
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