To All, <marco>, 08.04.2005 18:43
To Marcutio, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 18:45
To Ericola, <marco>, 08.04.2005 18:59
ייייאחש%&, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 19:08
ייייאחש%& me too, <marco>, 08.04.2005 19:28
ייייאחש%& me too, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 19:40
ייייאחש%& me too, <marco>, 08.04.2005 19:57
Erics Job, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 19:57
Ginsoakedwriter, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 20:34
Ginsoakedwriter, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 22:52
Ginsoakedwriter, <marco>, 08.04.2005 23:00
Ginsoakedwriter, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 23:51
Ginsoakedwriter, <marco>, 09.04.2005 02:23
Ginsoakedwriter, <ginsoakedboy>, 10.04.2005 20:10
To All, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 20:15
To All, <liat>, 08.04.2005 21:24
To All, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 22:49
To Liat, <marco>, 08.04.2005 22:50
To Liat, <marco>, 08.04.2005 23:12
Subject Erics Job
Created08.04.2005 19:57

Eric is a bud minder. He lives at the top of a long
tall hollowed out tree where he listens to Tom Waits
all day long.

But there is no music, it's all in his head.

It's so high up , all he can really hear is the
creaking of the branches as they sway in the wind. The
trunk is hollow all the way to the bottom, so the
sounds of the forest floor are echoed and magnified all
the way up, giving him a booming bassline as the wind
blows the branches,and whistles across the knot holes
sometimes slowly but sometimes madly. He hears the
knocking on the trunk of the animals below, and
imagines their calls to be voices as they reverberate
up the tree trunk.

He sits and waits and watches the buds on the branches,
for the buds need to be cared and nurtured , waxed and
polished and counted every morning. For without the
buds, there would be no leaves, without the leaves
there would be no green forests to fill our summer
spaces be they big or small.

It is a very important job, because without Eric there
would be no buds.
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