very quiet Friday, <Alli>, 22.04.2005 14:37
very sunny Friday, <marco>, 22.04.2005 14:43
very quiet Friday, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 22.04.2005 14:58
Emma, <Alli>, 22.04.2005 15:01
Emma, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 22.04.2005 15:49
Emma, <Alli>, 22.04.2005 15:56
Rufus, Alli, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 22.04.2005 17:35
Rufus, Alli, Emma, Jobriath, <Alli>, 22.04.2005 17:38
Rufus, Alli, Emma, Jobriath, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 22.04.2005 18:03
very quiet Friday, <ginsoakedboy>, 22.04.2005 21:33
very quiet Friday, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 22.04.2005 22:05
Subject Emma
Created22.04.2005 15:49

Hi Alli,
As well documented, I don't have sound on my computer, so can't
take advantage of stuff like that online, but I've heard he's an
amazing performer. I have still only heard Fistful of Love - have
you heard that? Amazing, and yes, really moving. Quite difficult
actually. Could certainly see myself in tears if he were to sing that
- but it's enough to make me go and see him. Am getting a copy
of the album from a friend, so looking forward to that. I'm not a
huge fan of Rufus Wainwright I must admit - some songs I like,
some not, though at times I think he sounds like Jeff Buckley, who
I think is great. Anyway, I think I like Antony's voice better than
Rufus's. I was talking about it with friends the other night - we
think he sounds a bit like Bryan Ferry at times, with a touch of
Nina Simone. Amazing voice anyway.
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