Little Anthony, <ginsoakedboy>, 28.04.2005 01:37
Little Anthony answer, <Alli (very bored tonight)>, 28.04.2005 02:27
Little Anthony answer, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 13:36
Wonder if it was.., <Alli>, 28.04.2005 13:39
Wonder if it was.., <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 13:42
Wonder if it was.., <Gun Street Boy>, 28.04.2005 18:16
Wonder if it was.., <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 22:02
Wonder if it was.., <Alli>, 29.04.2005 12:56
Didn't Dusty Springfield do this too? (NM), <Alli>, 29.04.2005 12:57
Subject Little Anthony answer
Created28.04.2005 13:36

Yeah, that's the Tom Waits song for sure. But I wonder what the
Little Anthony and the Imperials song was? Which takes me back
to a thread from a while back where Tom Waits-friendly pubs
were getting mentioned and Raymy mentioned this place in
Glasgow, McChuills. Well, on the wall in McChuills is an old
vintage-looking poster mentioning Anthony and the Imperials, it
always makes me think of Christmas Card whenever I'm in there
(funny coincidence), though I've never actually heard any Waits
being played. Plenty of other fab stuff though, Pogues, punk etc.
Good place to cheer you up when your team get beat...
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