Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens, <Alli>, 04.05.2005 17:32
Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens, <Eric>, 04.05.2005 19:16
Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens, <Alli>, 04.05.2005 19:18
Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens, <ginsoakedboy>, 04.05.2005 22:15
Tom Waits unrelated??, <Alli>, 04.05.2005 19:16
Tom Waits unrelated??, <ginsoakedboy>, 04.05.2005 19:58
Thinking about it...., <ginsoakedboy>, 04.05.2005 20:03
Thinking about it...., <Alli>, 04.05.2005 21:00
16 Shells from a  Pekin Bantam, <ginsoakedboy>, 04.05.2005 23:50
Tom Waits unrelated??, <Alli>, 04.05.2005 21:01
Ain't Nobody Here But Us Chickens, <marco>, 04.05.2005 23:58
Subject Tom Waits unrelated??
Created04.05.2005 19:58

Back in my youth I was a farmer, and we kept hens.
They are not hard to keep, but quite dirty creatures
and not very good to talk too, despite what you may
have seen on "Big Brother" They'll eat loads of stuff
too, some leftovers from the kitchen like boiled potato
skins mixed with grain. You can change the chicken run
to a different area after a year(or less) and you have
a head start on a fertilised vegetable patch in theold run.

As it happens my sister and bro in law are going to get
a few hhens for their back garden for fresh, organic eggs.

If you are serious I will find out more.

And you can buy a kind of dome shaped plastic "kennell"
to keep a few hens in . It's called - I am not joking
- wait for it-

an "Eggloo"
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