- onomatopoeia, <Alli>, 10.05.2005 16:17
- onomatopoeia amendment, <Alli>, 10.05.2005 16:18
- onomatopoeia, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 10.05.2005 18:10
- onomatopoeia, <ginsoakedboy.>, 10.05.2005 23:37
- onomatopoeia, <Raindog Harry>, 12.05.2005 03:16
- hahahahah Emma..., <Alli>, 11.05.2005 13:25
- hahahahah Emma..., <ginsoakedboy>, 12.05.2005 00:51
- onomatopoeia, <ginsoakedboy>, 11.05.2005 09:47
- onomatopoeia, <CC>, 11.05.2005 12:45
- Sooooo......, <Alli-een>, 11.05.2005 13:28
- Sooooo......, <ginsoakedboy>, 12.05.2005 00:41
- Smugglers Waltz, <Allisoneen?>, 12.05.2005 12:09
- onomatopoeia, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 11.05.2005 17:10
- onomatopoeia, <ginsoakedboy>, 12.05.2005 00:45
- onomatopoeia, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 12.05.2005 01:23
- onomatopoeia, <Raindog Harry>, 17.05.2005 23:37
- onomatopoeia, <Raindog Harry>, 12.05.2005 03:11
- onomatopoeia, <Raindog Harry>, 12.05.2005 03:20
- cockadoodledoo Harry, <Alli>, 12.05.2005 12:12
- cockadoodledoo Harry, <Eric o' corico>, 12.05.2005 22:03
- cockadoodledoo Harry, <Raindog Harry>, 17.05.2005 23:35
- cockadoodledoo Harry, <Alli>, 18.05.2005 12:36
Subject | | Sooooo...... |
Sender | ginsoakedboy |
Created | 12.05.2005 00:41 |
Mind your ceebawdeen.
Yes, I have a dropeen of tea too, but we are careful
not to confuse poteen with poitin (also spelt poteen )
which ,as you probably know, is our illicit spirit
which is always made by a scruffy man up in the
mountains somewhere - hence the "Mountain Dew" that
The Pogues and Dubliners rattle on about.
I 'm afraid Alli doesn't take an -een so well, what
with it ending in a vowel, but Tomeen Waits for sure
does. I have a brother in law who is Tomeen, whose
neighbour is
Seaneen. In Seaneen's case he is about twenty stone, a
mmassive man, so the -een is a bit ironic, like some of
the big lads here called Tiny.
In some places, you also take your father's name to
distinguish you from others, so Pat Murphy's daughter
Mary would be known as Mary Pat Murphy.
In my rural Galway idiom, I might have a "small
peesheen oo a muffineen" instead of a small piece of a
muffin. The crumbs might be eaten by a "mousheen"
instead of a mouse. When young we played "housheens"
but we shtopped when we got older .
This is not all over Ireland,of course, only in parts.
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