Miss E and the Johnsons, <ginsoakedboy>, 12.07.2005 13:20
Miss E and the Johnsons, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 12.07.2005 23:33
Miss E and the Johnsons, <Alli>, 13.07.2005 02:17
Miss E and the Johnsons, <ginsoakedboy>, 13.07.2005 03:36
Subject Miss E and the Johnsons
Created13.07.2005 03:36

Fair play to you Emma!!

My "whisky assisted" messes usually had an 'e' in them.

That's "whiskey" instead of "whisky" - not ecstasy in
the glass, of course.

I'm glad they were good, it sounds like he lived up to

Alli, I don't drink it much myself now either, except a
hot one with cloves and lemon when I have a cold, of

*sniff sniff*
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