Waits/Weill/Ictus in Belgium !, <Eric>, 25.08.2005 21:24
Waits/Weill/Ictus in Belgium !, <Raindog Harry>, 26.08.2005 14:36
Waits/Weill/Ictus in Belgium !, <Eric>, 26.08.2005 14:57
Waits/Weill/Ictus in Belgium !, <Raindog Harry>, 26.08.2005 18:47
Waits/Weill/Ictus in Belgium !, <johnny aka>, 05.09.2005 16:23
Subject Waits/Weill/Ictus in Belgium !
SenderRaindog Harry
Created26.08.2005 14:36

Hey Eric, I saw it on the Internet this morning, and
just bought a ticket, so I'll be there. Probably will
have to book a hotelroom too for the night, wonder if
Oostende is worthwhile, no idea, Brugge, Gent,
Brussels and Antwerp would all be nice to spend an
evening in, but Oostende? Well, who knows.

Will write about the performance, there will be some
of my absolute Waits favourites, Innocent When You
Dream (the number one song of fourteen Forum members,
see the posting a long time ago...), and Briar and
the Rose, my number one song.

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