did someone mention Daniel Johnston?, <raymy>, 26.08.2005 20:22
did someone mention Daniel Johnston?, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 27.08.2005 15:49
did someone mention Daniel Johnston?, <Raindog Harry>, 28.08.2005 16:27
did someone mention Daniel Johnston?/Raymy, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 29.08.2005 15:23
Songs In The Key of Miss E, <raymy>, 30.08.2005 22:36
Songs In The Key of Miss E, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 31.08.2005 16:42
Subject did someone mention Daniel Johnston?
SenderRaindog Harry
Created28.08.2005 16:27

Hello Raymy,

It was me who mentioned Daniel Johnston. Read an
article about him, he will give two concerts in The
Netherlands, the article mentioned his "latest cd"
and the contribution to that cd by Waits. I had never
heard of Johnston before, thought the latest cd was a
very recent cd and therefore thought that the Waits
contribution was something to be excited about. But
somebody cc-rider, woke me up and I discovered that
the album was from 2004 already.

Thanks for your posting Raymy,
Raindog Harry
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