Outsiders, <Martyn>, 01.10.2005 23:43
Outsiders, <Raindog Harry>, 01.10.2005 23:54
Outsiders, <Martyn>, 02.10.2005 00:19
Back to A'dam Martyn?, <Alli>, 03.10.2005 16:03
Back to A'dam Martyn?, <Martyn>, 04.10.2005 23:50
Subject Back to A'dam Martyn?
Created04.10.2005 23:50

You could be right Alli. I hadn't thought of that. It
was bad enough when I went back in April - but at
least the tulip fields cheered me up. I just hope I
don't get hailstones like the ones that fell last
November. Whatever the weather, I am looking forward
to seeing Sinter Claus arrive from Spain.
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