mental health stuff, <owen>, 31.10.2005 16:26
mental health stuff, <Alli>, 31.10.2005 21:29
mental health stuff, <Raindog Harry>, 01.11.2005 13:30
mental health stuff, <Tony Franciosa>, 01.11.2005 21:16
mental health stuff, <marco>, 01.11.2005 23:39
mental health stuff, <Raindog Harry>, 02.11.2005 19:05
mental health stuff, <Eric>, 02.11.2005 21:27
mental health stuff, <marco>, 02.11.2005 22:22
mental health stuff, <Raindog Harry>, 03.11.2005 16:40
mental health stuff, <marco>, 04.11.2005 12:36
mental health stuff, <Raindog Harry>, 04.11.2005 12:45
Subject mental health stuff
Created31.10.2005 21:29

QUOTE Tom Waits...

"I went through a period where I was embarrassed by
vulnerability as a writer things you see, experience
and feel, and you go, 'I can't sing something like
that. This is too tender.' Maybe I'm finding a way of
reconciling that, he says of Mule Variations. I'm
married, I got kids. It opens up your world. But I
still go back and forth - between deeply sentimental,
then very mad and decapitated. Waits grins. I live with
a bipolar disorder." UNQUOTE

I've read this rumour on the net but none of it seems
to have any foundation - only the above and to me it
looks like he's kidding.
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