This guestbook is maintained by
Serge Rusakov, ,

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Amy, , 2003-09-25 19:26

Wonderful site. Had fun, found exactly what I wanted. Tom Waits es el rey.

TH_e_Dogg, , 2003-09-25 10:56

!!!!!!!!!!!!Great site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ik kan alleen maar vragen:dear Mr Waits ,please come to Belgium cya in the A.B. Tom

jon southard, , 2003-09-10 21:37

tom waits is god...or wait? is he satan.??

Belley, , 2003-09-08 21:02

I love Tom Waits. I have a lyric question though. Does anyone know what song has the lyric: "Crawling across the bed, shaking like jelly, and I'm getting harder than Chinese Algebra." This is really bothering me. Thanks

Claudio/FRostmoon Eclipse, , 2003-09-07 14:45

let me tell you... great site!!! tom is black metal. life is nothing.

Jan, , 2003-09-03 19:07

I think you're missing some records, I have two of them I could give you info on if you want it: "Tales from the Underground 1" and "At the Cirkus" (Live in Stockholm 1999). Send me and email and I'll compile the info for you. Thanks for a great site!

shcepan shcekic, , 2003-09-02 09:02


jack ryan, , 2003-08-25 11:45

Let your great site reach out to many more people than is currently being done, through our wondeful range of hosting packages that include FREE submission of your site to 350+ search engines! Now a never-before ONE YEAR FREE offer! Mail me for more details.

beluschi, , 2003-08-18 14:40

Je¿eli ktoœ wchodzi na tego czata z polski to mam pytanie kiedy w tym roku i gdzie w Europie mozna zobaczyæ kon. Waitsa

Grancuco, , 2003-08-18 14:20

Great Site, thanx

Grego Mondo, , 2003-08-15 11:23

Nice site, I'm a Tom Waits fan since my 9 years old (thank u ma) I'm looking for the musicians who play with him on witch tune ...

Beth Wagner, , 2003-08-14 19:04

I have been a TW fan for over 6 yrs, I am looking for the black box theme... can't find the lyrics album or the song online Help please..

blue, , 2003-08-11 12:21

Maximum respect for this site !!!

J.K, , 2003-08-10 14:20

Thank you for this site. And thank you Tom Waits for being.

lazzaro, , 2003-08-09 17:45

How does an Italian boy feel, listening Broken bycicles after 15 years since the first time? My heart still bloods and my thoughts go straight to my lovely Rosalba. A broken heart with his Big Joe and Phantom 309. Thank you Tom for changing my life. Thank you for 30 years of wonderful songs.

joachim, , 2003-08-03 17:47

hi everybody, thanx for this superb site!! take care, j.

boris, , 2003-07-30 14:19

Ñ 3 ïî 9 àâãóñòà ïàðíè èãðàþò â Ìîñêâå. 5 - êëóá Á2, 8 - Áóíêåð, 9 - Øâàéí. Âýëêàì

jaonathan, , 2003-07-26 04:24

good afternoon!!how are you?can i ask something about my self?

Stephanie, , 2003-07-22 02:40

hope youre not the same Serge that took the only girl I ever loved. If so, given Waits and her, our tastes are very similar. Nice. Thanks for the site, good stuff, no doubt. My favorite Waits: Train Song or Just the Right Bullets.

matty sheets, , 2003-07-21 21:26

word down. preesh the lyrics, buuuuuddy. come see the DEVILED EGGS if you're around the North Carolina area and we'll play some tom for youse. thanks again.

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