black market Berlin tickets, <Raymy>, 16.11.2004 17:28
black market Berlin tickets, <Roving Gambler>, 16.11.2004 18:27
black market Berlin tickets, <raymy>, 16.11.2004 19:51
black market Berlin tickets, <Roving Gambler>, 16.11.2004 20:23
black market Berlin tickets, <Raindog Harry>, 16.11.2004 21:01
black market Berlin tickets, <marco>, 17.11.2004 03:00
black market Berlin tickets, <Raindog Harry>, 17.11.2004 07:44
black market Berlin tickets, <marco>, 17.11.2004 12:02
black market Berlin tickets, <Raindog Harry>, 17.11.2004 16:35
black market Berlin tickets, <marco>, 17.11.2004 19:21
black market Berlin tickets, <Raindog Harry>, 17.11.2004 22:18
black market Berlin tickets, <marco>, 18.11.2004 10:47
Subject black market Berlin tickets
SenderRaindog Harry
Created16.11.2004 21:01

I saw two shows in The Hague in 1999, both evenings
were great, about 8 different songs then, and
different intervals between the songs (although later
I heard the joke "You're a much better audience than
yesterday" back on registrations of other shows, but
who cares, not me), so, two different, great
evenings. Why not go twice if you've got the chance?

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