Message to Tom Waits, <Raindog Harry>, 16.11.2004 00:37
Message to Tom Waits, <Stefan>, 16.11.2004 01:44
Message to Tom Waits, <Raindog Harry>, 16.11.2004 01:59
Message to Tom Waits, <raymy>, 16.11.2004 17:11
hey Raymy, <Allibee>, 16.11.2004 18:01
Message to Tom Waits to harry, <liat>, 16.11.2004 18:24
Message to Tom Waits to harry, <Raindog Harry>, 16.11.2004 21:12
Message to Tom Waits to harry, <hold_on>, 17.11.2004 12:20
Message to Tom Waits to harry, <Raindog Harry>, 17.11.2004 16:41
Subject Message to Tom Waits to harry
SenderRaindog Harry
Created16.11.2004 21:12

Nice to hear from you again Liat, yes inviting Tom
was just an idea that suddenly came up in the head.
Instead of forgetting about it I thought "What if he
DOES read fan forums? And what if he WOULD like to
meet with his fans? Maybe he doesn't, but not why not
give it a try? It would be great fun I think. And why
not disturb the guy. You've most likely heard the
interview where the American lady calling in in a
radio interview says that it was "such an honour to
talk to him", and when after that Tom tells the
interviewer that yes, he does find it a bit weird
when people say that it is "such an honour", etc. He
is a normal man I think, even though he is musically
a bit more gifted than most of us. But who knows,
maybe if he does walk in I will also be less
courageous talking to him than in my fantasy.

Have a good flight, don't forget your passport ;-))
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