Best ever, <Stefan>, 24.11.2004 14:00
Best ever YAY!, <Allibee>, 24.11.2004 14:06
Best ever YAY!, <BurntFaceJake>, 24.11.2004 14:17
Best ever YAY!, <Eric>, 24.11.2004 14:32
Sentimental?.., <Allibee>, 24.11.2004 14:36
Sentimental?.. To Allibee, <Eric>, 24.11.2004 15:15
Best ever YAY!, <Raindog Harry>, 24.11.2004 14:42
Thought of the day, <Eric>, 24.11.2004 14:48
Thought of the day / a rose, <Eric>, 24.11.2004 15:09
Thought of the day / a rose, <Raindog Harry>, 24.11.2004 15:23
You could be brothers..., <Allibee>, 24.11.2004 15:26
You could be brothers..., <Raindog Harry>, 24.11.2004 15:48
MARY where are ya?.., <Allibee>, 24.11.2004 15:50
I'm here :) :), <Mary>, 24.11.2004 15:57
Best ever YAY! for erik, <liat>, 24.11.2004 19:46
Best ever, <Raindog Harry>, 24.11.2004 14:16
Subject Best ever
SenderRaindog Harry
Created24.11.2004 14:16

Great, Stefan, glad you had a good time, and yeah,
Nick Cave is great, as are John Hiat, John Cale, Lou
Reed, but indeed, there is nobody that comes close to
Tom Waits, I already wrote it before, a genius
absolutely unique, in musicality, originality,
humour, the intensity of the shows is unequalled. I
mean, Iggy Pop did some great energetic shows, but to
have everything combined in one artist is absolutely
unique. Nobody like him among the living, nor I think
among the musicians who have already left us.
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