Best ever, <Stefan>, 24.11.2004 14:00
Best ever YAY!, <Allibee>, 24.11.2004 14:06
Best ever YAY!, <BurntFaceJake>, 24.11.2004 14:17
Best ever YAY!, <Eric>, 24.11.2004 14:32
Sentimental?.., <Allibee>, 24.11.2004 14:36
Sentimental?.. To Allibee, <Eric>, 24.11.2004 15:15
Best ever YAY!, <Raindog Harry>, 24.11.2004 14:42
Thought of the day, <Eric>, 24.11.2004 14:48
Thought of the day / a rose, <Eric>, 24.11.2004 15:09
Thought of the day / a rose, <Raindog Harry>, 24.11.2004 15:23
You could be brothers..., <Allibee>, 24.11.2004 15:26
You could be brothers..., <Raindog Harry>, 24.11.2004 15:48
MARY where are ya?.., <Allibee>, 24.11.2004 15:50
I'm here :) :), <Mary>, 24.11.2004 15:57
Best ever YAY! for erik, <liat>, 24.11.2004 19:46
Best ever, <Raindog Harry>, 24.11.2004 14:16
Subject Best ever YAY!
Created24.11.2004 14:32

It's alway difficult to compare Tom Waits to others,
because he is more than a singer/songwriter, he is the
beauty and the beast, the rock star and the choir boy,
the egg and the sausage (with ketchup on top;-)...
Saturday was my 3rd Tom Waits show (saw him twice in
Paris)and each time I didn't have the impression I had
been to a concert, it was more something of a very
extraordinary event.
I try as well to shout this to the world, but in vain,
most of the time. I guess they'll have to make their
way, and may be get across the man some day. It's
their life. But mine is in some ways more beautiful
since I saw him on stage (You may think I'm 13, but
I'm not)
Gee, I hope he'll never read the sentimental crap I'm
able to write :-)

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