Kathleen Brennan, <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 15:17
Kathleen Brennan, <Raindog Harry>, 26.11.2004 15:26
Kathleen Brennan, <TT>, 26.11.2004 15:28
Kathleen Brennan, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 15:30
Kathleen Brennan, <Flower's grave>, 26.11.2004 15:40
lol.., <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 17:24
Kathleen Brennan, <liat>, 26.11.2004 22:02
Kathleen Brennan, <Raindog Harry>, 26.11.2004 22:08
Kathleen Brennan, <Flower's grave>, 27.11.2004 04:16
Kathleen Brennan, <liat>, 27.11.2004 10:24
Kathleen Brennan, <marco>, 26.11.2004 16:16
Kathleen Brennan, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 26.11.2004 22:46
Thanks everyone, <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 17:20
Thanks everyone, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 17:30
Thanks everyone, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 17:46
Sounds familiar...., <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 18:59
Subject Kathleen Brennan
SenderFlower's grave
Created26.11.2004 15:40

I only just recently saw a pic of her for the first
time. An old one from 1984, it was published in a
long article from a London weekly entertainment
newspaper. I have it, but not with me at the moment.
Perhaps I can scan it at one point. Get back to me if
no one else can help you.

I have a funny story about Kathleen. At the Amsterdam
show, my seat was amongst all the music industry
people who got comp tix because my friend is one of
them. Well, the woman who sat next to me was
obviously connected somehow and knew the women next
to her only by reputation, so started up a
conversation with her. THAT woman was this loud
middle aged American with the worst soccer mom
accent. Being an ex-pat American myself, I'm very
sensitive to how other Americans are preceived
abroad. Well this women kept going on and on about
the most mundane touristy things she had done in
Amst. in a loud obnoxious voice. I turned to my
friend and said, "I bet the lady sitting next to me
regrets starting a conversation with that woman." He
turned to me and said, "You know who that is don't
you? That's Tom's wife." Whooops!
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