Kathleen Brennan, <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 15:17
Kathleen Brennan, <Raindog Harry>, 26.11.2004 15:26
Kathleen Brennan, <TT>, 26.11.2004 15:28
Kathleen Brennan, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 15:30
Kathleen Brennan, <Flower's grave>, 26.11.2004 15:40
lol.., <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 17:24
Kathleen Brennan, <liat>, 26.11.2004 22:02
Kathleen Brennan, <Raindog Harry>, 26.11.2004 22:08
Kathleen Brennan, <Flower's grave>, 27.11.2004 04:16
Kathleen Brennan, <liat>, 27.11.2004 10:24
Kathleen Brennan, <marco>, 26.11.2004 16:16
Kathleen Brennan, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 26.11.2004 22:46
Thanks everyone, <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 17:20
Thanks everyone, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 17:30
Thanks everyone, <Eric>, 26.11.2004 17:46
Sounds familiar...., <Allibee>, 26.11.2004 18:59
Subject Kathleen Brennan
SenderRaindog Harry
Created26.11.2004 22:08

Hello Flower's Grave, sorry but I got lost in your
story. I assume that when you wrote women, you
actually meant woman? In other words, Kathleen talked
to another woman, who spoke in a loud obnoxious
voice? Thanks in advance for explaining. I ask about
it, as another fan in Belgium saw Tom plus wife, and
commented that he wasn't sure whether she was a nice
person. So, since that comment, I am curious to know
(though I'll probably never know) whether she is
indeed a nice person, or a clever, calculating woman
keeping Tom on the right path and saving him from
being mistreated by all those people around who are
eager to make money out of his talent in some way or
other. (Clever, calculating women can be nice too of
course, but I guess you know what I mean, if not I
can try to explain ;-))

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