Shoes, Weddings and Rambling, <ginsoakedboy>, 15.12.2004 09:24
Now THAT is fantastic!, <Alli>, 15.12.2004 10:23
Now THAT is fantastic!, <marco>, 15.12.2004 10:41
I'd love to say, <ginsoakedboy>, 16.12.2004 09:44
Cheers, <ginsoakedboy>, 16.12.2004 09:39
Cheers, <Alli>, 16.12.2004 12:25
Cheers, <marco>, 16.12.2004 18:16
heehee :)), <Alli>, 17.12.2004 01:54
Now THAT is fantastic!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 17.12.2004 00:14
Now THAT is fantastic!, <ginsoakedboy>, 17.12.2004 02:33
Shoes, Weddings and Rambling, <Raindog Harry>, 15.12.2004 11:17
Nice one, Harry, <ginsoakedboy.>, 16.12.2004 09:46
Shoes, Weddings and Rambling, <Eric>, 15.12.2004 13:48
Shoes, Weddings and Rambling, <Raindog Harry>, 15.12.2004 14:01
Now thats a shoe story, <ginsoakedboy>, 16.12.2004 09:48
Subject Cheers
Created16.12.2004 18:16

The Saint (Nicolas that is) bought my youngest a
Teenage Mutant Turtle sword (with noise) and a
spiderman mask and gloves (with sound) and a castle
with knights and spears etc. Pretty violent for a
catholic bishop.
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