K Folks. Brain wrecking time, <Kevycanavan>, 28.02.2005 16:08
K Folks. Brain wrecking time, <Kevy>, 28.02.2005 16:09
Brain wrecking tome, <marco>, 28.02.2005 17:24
K Folks. Brain wrecking time, <liat>, 28.02.2005 21:18
K Folks. Brain wrecking time, <Eric>, 28.02.2005 21:33
K Folks. Brain wrecking time, <liat>, 01.03.2005 01:29
K Folks. Brain wrecking time, <Raindog Harry>, 01.03.2005 15:28
Big Hello, <marco>, 01.03.2005 16:55
Big Hello, <Eric>, 01.03.2005 18:23
Big Hello, <Mary>, 01.03.2005 20:25
Big Hello, <Alli>, 01.03.2005 21:57
Big Hello, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 01.03.2005 23:16
Emma, <Mary>, 02.03.2005 00:23
for Mary, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 03.03.2005 15:51
for Emma, <Eric>, 03.03.2005 15:54
to harry, <liat>, 01.03.2005 23:49
to harry, <Raindog Harry>, 02.03.2005 02:49
to harry, <Kevy>, 02.03.2005 04:14
Subject K Folks. Brain wrecking time
Created28.02.2005 16:08

Right. This is the task -
Think up the perfect tom waits concert. Setting, band,
venue, setlist, performance notes. whatever you want
to see and post it here.
and yes this is a boredom thread ;)

Band -
Tom Waits - Vocal, Piano, Organ, Guitar
Greg Cohen - Bass, Clarinets etc
Marc Ribot - Guitars
Brain - Drums & Percussion
+ an extra musician playing tuned percussions and
other aux instruments.
Support - Primus
Primus Setlist
The Carpenter and the Dainty Bride
Mr Krinkle
Tommy the Cat
My Name is Mud
Winona's Big Brown Beaver
Cold Water
Here come the Bastards
Mary the Icecube
Jerry was a Racecar Driver
and other tunes
Tom Set List -

Hang Down your Head
Jesus Gonna be Here (Organ)
Make it Rain
Gods Away on Business (Organ)
The Briar and the Rose (Organ)
Lost in the Harbour (Organ)
Whats he Building?
Hoist that Rag
Chocolate Jesus
Misery is the River of the World (Piano)
Tango Till theyre Sore (Piano)
Ruby's Arms (Piano)
Johnsburg Illinois (Piano)
Broken Bicylces (Piano)
Burma Shave (Piano)
New Coat of Paint (Piano)
Nobody (Piano)
First Encore
Looking for the Heart of Saturday Night (Guitar)
Innocent when you Dream (Piano)
Come on Up to the House (Piano)
Second Encore
Ol'55 (Piano)
In the Neighbourhood (Organ)
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