TGIF!, <Alli>, 18.03.2005 18:29
And I forgot to add..., <Alli>, 18.03.2005 18:31
And I add..., <marco>, 18.03.2005 19:10
and in addition...., <Alli>, 18.03.2005 20:41
and in addition...., <marco>, 18.03.2005 23:24
and in addition...., <marco>, 18.03.2005 23:30
and in addition...., <liat>, 18.03.2005 23:48
and in addition...., <liat>, 18.03.2005 23:49
Yummmmmy, <Alli>, 19.03.2005 11:44
Yummmmmy, <marco>, 19.03.2005 13:01
Subject Yummmmmy
Created19.03.2005 11:44

that sounds really nice Marco... we just flash-fried
ours in olive oil with lots of garlic and chillies!
The chillies were so powerful when they were cooking
they sent me into a coughing fit. Oh and then add a
big handful of flat leaf parsley at the end. Sit at
table.. open dry white wine.. eat, drink and be merry!
You are right.. a really good way to start the
weekend. Then today we will have Mussels for lunch,
cooked in white wine with garlic. Ahhh the wonders of
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