Hello All, <ginsoakedboy>, 29.03.2005 00:20
Hello Gin, <marco>, 29.03.2005 11:03
Hello Gin, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.03.2005 01:15
Hello All, <Raindog Harry>, 29.03.2005 15:20
Well Harry, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.03.2005 01:08
Well Gin, <marco>, 30.03.2005 02:38
Subject Hello All
SenderRaindog Harry
Created29.03.2005 15:20

Hello Ginsoaked boy,

For a boy soaked in gin you've good a pretty
good 'pen'. Or is it *because of* the gin? Grin, a
gin grin, grinning full of gin, Jockey full of
bourbon (me and Eric), Jockey full of gin, this is a
stream-of-consciousness experiment, which will now
end, experim-end

Harry (recovering from the Whiskey)

This Turing test code makes me feel like I am at the
eye-doctor doing a test, and likely to fail.
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