Hello All, <ginsoakedboy>, 29.03.2005 00:20
Hello Gin, <marco>, 29.03.2005 11:03
Hello Gin, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.03.2005 01:15
Hello All, <Raindog Harry>, 29.03.2005 15:20
Well Harry, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.03.2005 01:08
Well Gin, <marco>, 30.03.2005 02:38
Subject Hello Gin
Created30.03.2005 01:15

Marco, you have full rights to it, to do with as you
wish. Just be careful where you put it, I think the
wall over by the underwater pinball machine will be
just fine.

No, down a bit.

Yes ,just there.

Thaks for the info on the image thingy -I though I was
going a bit loopy there for a while.

Is it like one of theose Roscharch (spell it for me
someone) tests, where the word you see tells them what
kind of mental state you are in. For instance, I now
see droufri, which looks like a combination of
"Drought" and "Friday".

Anyway, talk soon.
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