Little Puzzle, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 02:56
Little Puzzle, <marco>, 08.04.2005 10:58
Little Puzzle, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 11:26
Shame on you Eric, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 18:55
Little Puzzle, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 13:46
Little Puzzle / For Alli, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 13:53
Eric..., <Alli>, 08.04.2005 14:00
Eric..., <marco>, 08.04.2005 14:08
Eric.../ Marco, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 14:10
Little Puzzle, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 14:52
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 14:56
oops, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 14:57
oops, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 18:59
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 15:06
I will Emma !, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 15:09
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <Romerico>, 08.04.2005 15:32
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 18:26
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 18:41
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 18:53
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 19:02
Virtual G and T s to you all, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 18:13
Virtual G and T s to you all, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 18:23
Virtual G and T s to you all, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 19:07
Subject Little Puzzle
Created08.04.2005 02:56

Hello. I have a puzzle for Alli, Eric and kind of for
Marco but anyone can join in if you can be bothered for
a virtual G and T and maybe something else. I'm not
sure if the Scots among us will find it too easy. (Or
Finn, the Irish man who won't tell me where he comes
from in case I know his mad cousin who lives in a
barrel and makes tweezers from badger whiskers.)

Can you translate the following phrase -

“Buaillean an fear an phoist dha uair , an t-am go
leir” ? (There is a reason for this )

The site won't accept accents , like the French "aigu"
from me .......but anyway at least pretend to have a go
just to make me feel happier.
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