Little Puzzle, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 02:56
Little Puzzle, <marco>, 08.04.2005 10:58
Little Puzzle, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 11:26
Shame on you Eric, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 18:55
Little Puzzle, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 13:46
Little Puzzle / For Alli, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 13:53
Eric..., <Alli>, 08.04.2005 14:00
Eric..., <marco>, 08.04.2005 14:08
Eric.../ Marco, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 14:10
Little Puzzle, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 14:52
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 14:56
oops, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 14:57
oops, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 18:59
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 15:06
I will Emma !, <Alli>, 08.04.2005 15:09
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <Romerico>, 08.04.2005 15:32
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 18:26
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 18:41
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 08.04.2005 18:53
Little Puzzle GOT IT!!, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 19:02
Virtual G and T s to you all, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 18:13
Virtual G and T s to you all, <Eric>, 08.04.2005 18:23
Virtual G and T s to you all, <ginsoakedboy>, 08.04.2005 19:07
Subject Virtual G and T s to you all
Created08.04.2005 18:13

Thanks for humouring me!!

I knew Alli O'Bee would get it.

It iss literally, "The postman always knocks twice" ,
but our word for " ring" as in a bell is to "knock" or
"hit" as in hitting a bell in the old days.
( Incidentally the Irish for "bell" is the same as that
for "clock," presumably because the church bell was the
time keeper in the days before everyone had clocks, so
when they got clocks they named them after the bell)

So the " The postman always rings twice"

And with luck he will soon.

The rest of ye for the moment will have to make do with
a virtual G and T .

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