Frank's wild beer, <Eric>, 12.04.2005 18:15
Frank's wild beer, <ginsoakedboy>, 13.04.2005 09:33
Frank's wild beer, <Eric>, 13.04.2005 22:09
Frank's wild beer, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 14.04.2005 15:31
Frank's wild beer, <Eric>, 14.04.2005 17:34
Frank's wild beer, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 14.04.2005 18:24
Frank's wild beer, <marco>, 14.04.2005 20:10
Frank's wild beer, <Eric>, 14.04.2005 20:36
Frank's wild beer, <ginsoakedboy>, 15.04.2005 23:48
Frank's wild beer, <ginsoakedboy>, 15.04.2005 23:53
Subject Frank's wild beer
Created14.04.2005 17:34

GOD! I always thought Great Britain was the God-
forgotten part of Europe, but letting children take
baths in gin and read pervert stories to goldfishes!
No wonder the poor creatures (the children, not the
goldfishes) end up writing on such forums (It would
methink be rather difficult for a goldfish to type the
right keys)and listening to crooked musicians like Tom
Waits! (a swordgoldfish maybe)
Dieu merci, je suis français !

(I had a goldfish once, he committed suicide by
jumping out of his bowl)

(True story)

(Never told him any story though)


...I should have)

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