Nick Cave, <Alli verrrry happpppy>, 28.04.2005 13:36
Nick Cave, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 13:40
Emma, <Alli>, 28.04.2005 13:44
Emma, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 13:51
Emma, <hahahah>, 28.04.2005 13:56
Emma, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 28.04.2005 14:03
Subject Emma
Created28.04.2005 13:51

Yep, previous chucking of cautions to the wind - mainly TW in
Berlin and countless bottles of red wine on crap nights - a big
factor in now having nothing left to chuck :-) Nevermind. Things
could be much worse. I'm hoping to save up for a secondhand
piano when things settle down again, so we can make our own
entertainment!! Am sure my version of Lime Tree Arbour with one
hand would be just delightful... :-)
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