Songs in Songs, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.04.2005 02:05
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 02:20
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 02:27
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 03:06
Songs in Songs, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.04.2005 20:59
Songs in Songs, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 30.04.2005 12:09
Songs in Songs, <Alli>, 30.04.2005 14:10
Abba Zabba, <Alli>, 30.04.2005 14:11
Abba Zabba, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 30.04.2005 16:43
Songs in Songs, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 30.04.2005 16:49
Songs in Songs, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.04.2005 20:56
Songs in Songs, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.04.2005 20:58
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 22:36
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 22:38
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 22:40
Songs in Songs, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 01.05.2005 13:04
ABC, <Alli>, 01.05.2005 14:35
Not Me, <ginsoakedboy>, 01.05.2005 21:51
Errr......, <ginsoakedboy>, 02.05.2005 22:58
Subject Songs in Songs
Created01.05.2005 13:04

Aye, remember reading the Swordfish Trombone book thing too -
one of those charming yarns that tend to circulate around Tom
Waits. Sounds like a true one though, or in any case one that I've
decided to believe is completely true cause it's so good.
Marco, hope you had fun on your day out and aren't paying for it
too much this morning!
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