Songs in Songs, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.04.2005 02:05
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 02:20
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 02:27
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 03:06
Songs in Songs, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.04.2005 20:59
Songs in Songs, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 30.04.2005 12:09
Songs in Songs, <Alli>, 30.04.2005 14:10
Abba Zabba, <Alli>, 30.04.2005 14:11
Abba Zabba, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 30.04.2005 16:43
Songs in Songs, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 30.04.2005 16:49
Songs in Songs, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.04.2005 20:56
Songs in Songs, <ginsoakedboy>, 30.04.2005 20:58
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 22:36
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 22:38
Songs in Songs, <marco>, 30.04.2005 22:40
Songs in Songs, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 01.05.2005 13:04
ABC, <Alli>, 01.05.2005 14:35
Not Me, <ginsoakedboy>, 01.05.2005 21:51
Errr......, <ginsoakedboy>, 02.05.2005 22:58
Subject ABC
Created01.05.2005 14:35

BACK! Been staying with friends for the weekend - had
a great time. Very late night/early morning wine
fuelled discussions and laughs.. I love that kind of
evening. Anyway, it wasn't me who originally told the
ABC story - in fact I thought it was GSB? And Marco I
have quoted it at the other forum - maybe that's why
you thought it was me? It's a really nice little story
anyway - whether it's true or not I don't know but I
think I will stick with that being the thinking behind
naming Swordfish Trombones. :))
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