Opel advertisement, <Raindog Harry>, 13.09.2005 14:19
Opel advertisement, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 13.09.2005 14:53
You can see that ad here...., <Alli>, 13.09.2005 16:02
You can see that ad here...., <marco>, 14.09.2005 10:40
You can see that ad here...., <Raindog Harry>, 14.09.2005 13:30
You can see that ad here...., <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 14.09.2005 19:21
Opel advertisement, <Eric>, 16.09.2005 12:15
Opel advertisement, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 16.09.2005 13:50
Subject Opel advertisement
Created13.09.2005 14:53

Hi Harry,
Yeah, I think there was something on the Eyeball Kid's blogspot a
wee while back about that: Waits is sueing or has sued them I
think. If you have a look through the archives on the Eyeball Kid's
page you should find some more info (similar to the FritoLay case
a while back, where they used a sound-a-like). Just a rip-off
really, and Waits understandably feels that these things totally
undermine his integrity as an artist. Maybe someone should
mention that to Justin - 'I'm lovin' it' - Timberlake... But then he
probably wouldn't give a shit.
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