Opel advertisement, <Raindog Harry>, 13.09.2005 14:19
Opel advertisement, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 13.09.2005 14:53
You can see that ad here...., <Alli>, 13.09.2005 16:02
You can see that ad here...., <marco>, 14.09.2005 10:40
You can see that ad here...., <Raindog Harry>, 14.09.2005 13:30
You can see that ad here...., <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 14.09.2005 19:21
Opel advertisement, <Eric>, 16.09.2005 12:15
Opel advertisement, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 16.09.2005 13:50
Subject You can see that ad here....
Created13.09.2005 16:02

Haha Emma.. so very true of Timberlake - in fact I'm
pretty peeved that Rufus W did an ad for GAP of all
people. Still, won't stop me going to see him in
November.. tickets are pinned up here and I'm hoping
that Anthony might make an appearance as he happens to
be over here at the same time.

Here is the link for the Ad plus many more TW clips.

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