has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <hold_on>, 06.10.2004 15:45
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 15:51
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <liat>, 06.10.2004 16:25
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Stefan>, 06.10.2004 16:33
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 17:00
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <liat>, 06.10.2004 17:41
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 18:44
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 18:47
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Stefan>, 06.10.2004 16:29
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 16:47
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <liat>, 06.10.2004 16:47
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <marco>, 06.10.2004 16:50
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <cole>, 06.10.2004 19:24
Subject has anyone received amsterdam tickets?
Created06.10.2004 16:29

Yesterday I received my tickets via normal post. But
then again, I live in Holland.
If it has to go abroad it will take longer of course.

And if you paid with your creditcard, the money will
probably taken from your account at the end of the
month. So that will take a while.

In july I ordered tickets for a festival in Schotland
and everything went fine.... don't worry!!!

I mean, Ticketservice doesn't want any trouble either!
They also want happy customers. Everyting will be fine.

Life = Music
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