has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <hold_on>, 06.10.2004 15:45
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 15:51
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <liat>, 06.10.2004 16:25
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Stefan>, 06.10.2004 16:33
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 17:00
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <liat>, 06.10.2004 17:41
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 18:44
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 18:47
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Stefan>, 06.10.2004 16:29
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <Raindog Harry>, 06.10.2004 16:47
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <liat>, 06.10.2004 16:47
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <marco>, 06.10.2004 16:50
has anyone received amsterdam tickets?, <cole>, 06.10.2004 19:24
Subject has anyone received amsterdam tickets?
SenderRaindog Harry
Created06.10.2004 16:47

Stefan, I like your optimism (and agree with you as
well.). I do think by the way that if you paid by
creditcard the money will actually be taken from your
account straightaway, these money people want to
profit from the interest as soon as possible) it may
only show on your paperwork at the end of the month.

Anyway, I agree things will be OK, will now check
about ticketmaster phone number for people calling
from abroad.

R.H. Raindog Harry (but the sun is actually shining
now) Life = Music, yes the other way round it is true
as well, Music = Life, and enjoying music is being
alive, living!

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