Figures and Facts, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 00:20
Figures and Facts, <Stefan>, 07.10.2004 00:44
Figures and Facts Ebay, <allibee>, 07.10.2004 01:09
Figures and Facts, <Ross>, 07.10.2004 18:59
Figures and Facts, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 20:15
Figures and Facts, <Ross>, 07.10.2004 21:23
Figures and Facts, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 23:47
Figures and Facts, <Raindog Harry>, 07.10.2004 20:19
Subject Figures and Facts
SenderRaindog Harry
Created07.10.2004 23:47

I also made a "profile" beforehand Ross, in fact I
even bought a ticket beforehand for quite another
show (Jane Birkin on 29 November in Carre), only to
have a client number and to fill in my address
details, etc. beforehand (learned enough? ;-)). It
didn't help though, as I couldn't get through on the
website at all when the sales started. What DID help
was that I went to my postoffice one day before the
sales and asked them if they would open at 10.00
hours sharp, and if they had paper in the printer).
That way they knew something serious was going on,
even though they didn't know at all who the hell a
certain Tom Waits was. When they saw me sitting on a
camping chair on Saturday morning, (had been there
from 07.00 hours, reasonably fair time, later was not
necessary, as in my town Culture is not swallowed
with big spoons), they recognised me from the day
before and set up the ticket machine in time, so that
they could start on 10.00 hours sharp. The day before
I had spelled out the name for them, W-A-I-T-S, not W-
E-E-T-S. I am sure that this is what helped me to a
ticket for 19 Nov, as two minutes later 21 Nov and 20
Nov were fully sold out (or so it seemed, because
later in the morning there were still tickets to be
got by phone). Anyway thanks for your reply Ross, and
of course you can choose whatever Nick you like. You
just say: "Cause I'm a Raindog too" ;-)

Enjoy the show,
Raindog Harry
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