Help !, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 12:20
Help !, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 15:07
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 15:44
Tom waits for your mum, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 15:54
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:05
Tom waits for your mum / erratum, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:07
Tom waits for your mum / erratum, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 17:32
Tom waits for your mum, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 17:39
Temptation / for Alli, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:45
Temptation / for Eric, <Alli>, 17.12.2004 17:46
Temptation / for Eric, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 17:48
Temptation / for Eric, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:04
Temptation / for RH, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:10
Temptation / for RH, <marco>, 17.12.2004 18:28
Temptation / for marco, <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:36
Temptation / for marco / oups..., <Eric>, 17.12.2004 18:37
Temptation / for marco, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:45
Temptation / for RH, <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 18:42
He's not the messiah..., <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:14
He's not the messiah..., <Raindog Harry>, 17.12.2004 19:38
Cheers Marco :), <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:17
Cheers Marco :), <marco>, 17.12.2004 19:31
Cheers Marco :), <Alli>, 17.12.2004 19:34
Tom waits for your mum, <miss_emelmahaaeey>, 17.12.2004 21:20
Tom waits for your mum, <Eric>, 20.12.2004 15:31
Subject Tom waits for your mum
Created17.12.2004 15:44

Alli !
You're tempting me with easiness, and as you know, I
can resist everything but temptation ;-)

I've been imagining your life lately, packing presents,
taking care of the 3 kids, coming here, going there,
running over there. And believe it or not, I had a
good time doing that !
You know what I offer my mum for Xmas ?
A "Tom Waits for your mum" compilation (among other
It's a compilation for people who are afraid of Tom
Waits with Alice, Broken bicycles, All the world is
green, Yesterday is here, I'll shoot the moon, Dead
and lovely, Tango tilm they're sore... this is kind of
cool and utterly breath taking stuff (+ Raindogs &
Jockey full of bourbon). I don't know wether I'll be
successful there.
Last time I was home, I put some songs from Real Gone
on the hi-fi while she was cutting my hair (How's
Matilda, by the way ?) Sins of my father, How's it
gonna end, Trampled Rose etc...
She said something like "this is nice, cool and quiet".
She even liked the long and distorted "Sins of my
Then I went away for a couple of hours and when I came
back, she was white as a sheet. I said "what's wrong",
and she said "I... I've been... I've been TRYING to
listen to your cd" :-)
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